Draco malfoy turns good

Did Draco Malfoy turn good?

Originally Answered: Is Draco good when grown up? Draco does have some changes of heart. He marries and has a son, who is taught to be kinder, more tolerant and accepting of Muggle-borns. The events of Draco's teenage years forever changed his life.

Does Draco turn good in the end?

Eventually, Astoria and Draco had a son, Scorpius, and they vowed not to raise him how they were raised. Draco said he would be fine with Scorpius befriending and even marrying whoever he chooses, pure-blood or not. Thankfully, the good in Draco really continued into his adult life.

Is Draco a good guy?

He was essentially a good person with a terrible personality… So Draco wasn't the nicest person we've ever come across, let's be honest: he was narrow-minded and could be a bit of an idiot, spiteful and… well, we could go on. But when it came to Draco, Harry sometimes behaved in a similar way.

Did Draco Malfoy do anything good?

Throughout Draco Malfoys life he never really had choices. It was “Do this or else” and crap like that. And in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” he hesitates before he goes over to his parents. So to sum this up, Draco was a little more good than evil.

Who first kissed Hermione?

Ron More Stories by Jethro Nededog. Among the many moments fans cheered for from the franchise's final chapter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, was the epic first kiss between Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson).

Does Draco redeem himself?

At the end of the Battle of Hogwarts Draco has done nothing to redeem himself. The movies are saying cr*p, he never tossed his wand to Harry or never ran up to meet him.

Did Draco Malfoy want to be a Death Eater?

Originally Answered: Does Draco want to be a death eater? Yes, he did. As Ms Rowling explained on Pottermore: Voldemort, seeking to punish Lucius Malfoy still further for the botched capture of Harry, demanded that Draco perform a task so difficult that he would almost certainly fail – and pay with his life.

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